Travel has always been at the heart of Rafal Milach’s work. In 2010, Milach embarked on a road trip around Iceland’s ring road Route 1 with writer Huldar Breiðfjörði. The route is 1450km long, and circles the entire country. It typically takes around 10 days to complete. The collaborative project, fusing Milach’s photographs with 29 notes from Breiðfjörði on photography, Iceland, and more, was published as a photobook entitled In the car with R in 2011.
“Maybe photography is more about searching than creating. Contrary to, say, a painter, the photographer relies on some sort of reality as a prototype. But maybe this search is precisely the creative element in the photographer’s work. Behind it lies a curiosity, desire, and enthusiasm. Eyes that are wide open to life.” – Huldar Breiðfjörði